Save Humanity Intervention

Everyday life in our modern high-tech world, conflicts, food shortages, and disease appear to be changing the global collective consciousness, bringing humans to the most profound conflict of “to be or not to be” – a “life or death” situation! The upcoming years appear to be characterized by “existential anxiety” in the expanded global collective consciousness, and humans from various societies will deal with existential issues more explicitly. Coping with existential anxiety cannot be acquired solely through mental knowledge; instead, it must be obtained through mental growth and transcendence in order to find the ability to help others flourish.

Humanity has been diagnosed with comorbidities of schizophrenia and dissociative identity disorder (DID). This is not an end-of-the-world scenario. It is an intervention to save humanity from extinction. Evolution’s survival of the fittest is no longer working for us. Humans moved beyond that when we went to live in larger groups. But we failed to evolve intellectually beyond the stage of group survival to what is needed to survive as a global community. If we do not recognize this and unite as a world family our extinction is almost guaranteed.

Our species is in jeopardy of self-annihilation, which is something that a lot of people aren’t aware of. Instead of a global catastrophe, we are bringing about our own extinction, we are committing suicide as a species. Throughout history, humanity has been actively attempting to end its own existence. Every aspect that can be applied to analyzing mental health risks to an individual can also be applied as an intervention for humanity as a whole.

In this book, I will attempt to analyze human society as a whole and in groups and relate that as if it were an individual with a mental illness. Utilizing psychological methods and studies developed to diagnose individuals, I will attempt to find a treatment, possibly even a cure for our world’s problems.

Our planet is currently dealing with numerous significant problems, including climate change, the exhaustion of the earth’s resources, destroying biodiversity, extreme poverty, and inequality. We are all intertwined, just as these issues and difficulties are all intertwined. What takes place in one location on the global scene can have a significant impact on another location on the other side of the world. If you look at the mental and physical health of the world as a global community or as a collective consciousness, we are in trouble. We have moved far beyond what is considered a safe time for an intervention.

The fact that everything is intertwined presents a challenge, but on the bright side, it also presents a significant opportunity. We are capable of overcoming these challenges, but in order to do so, we must first come together as a single entity and approach them as a unified human race. To do this, we must collaborate with people hailing from every region on the planet.

The peoples of this world must unite, or they will perish.  Robert Oppenheimer

WARNING: This book is a combination of independent research, personal beliefs, and by no way an accepted practice in psychology or medical fields. If you have a mental illness, seek professional help.

Collective World Consciousness

Humanity has matured physically into a global society. But psychologically we are still a child with comorbidities of schizophrenia and dissociative identity disorder (DID). Our collective consciousness is split into various conflicting units worldwide. This compounds our anxiety, fears, and inability to function as a global consciousness. Much of this has been brought on by childhood traumas. Humanity has experienced one trauma after another since the beginning of time until most recently the pandemic of COVID 19.

The world is no longer a place of isolated tribes. What happens in Venezuela, China, Russia, America, and the rest of the world is interconnected by a sort of human quantum entanglement. The whole world is one tribe, or one being with a collective consciousness. In context, poverty in South America affects the United States through migration. Much like a disease infects the body. The list goes on and on, and we need to make people understand that borders and individualism should not be our primary focus when it comes to the mental and physical health of the world if we are to survive as a species.

Consciousness is one of the biggest mysteries in modern medicine. Scientists, psychologists, and neuroscientists cannot agree if human consciousness is physical in nature or some kind of a quantum mystery still beyond the reach of our most advanced technology.

Assume the latter and apply the concept of consciousness to all aspects of the world, all societies, and all people as one being interconnected by quantum entanglement of some form. Entanglement occurs when two distinct particles form a bond so powerful that whatever happens to one of them has an effect on the other, even if they are physically separated by hundreds of kilometers.

The analogy works just the same and is the perfect way to analyze our world’s problems. Even if we are not connected through subatomic particles, we still share a small ball of dirt spinning in space, and as we now approach 8 billion inhabitants, that space is getting smaller. Our modern communications capabilities, such as the Internet and cell phones, keep people connected around the world 24 hours a day.

Most of humanity looks at society from the same perspective, one person at a time. So much work has already been done analyzing humanity individually that we can now use those studies to see human behavior through this connectivity on a global scale from a different perspective.

Just imagine for a second that you are able to look at the actions of all humanity at once as if they were a single person, one collective consciousness. The thoughts of individual communities are no different than what happens in our own brains. We are often at odds with our individual decision-making processes. That is perfectly normal; it is what helps sift through choices and make the best decisions. Communities, groups, and even countries often have the same issues with various ideologies.

The issue arises when those conflicts become so intense that we are unable to move forward in our lives. Stress takes over, which leads to physical ailments. The same is happening to humanity on a global scale. All of these issues—war, starvation, climate change, global warming, societal tensions, and so on—are symptoms of a much more widespread issue.

I just read an article today questioning why scientific breakthroughs have slowed. With the Ukrainian war, you see the world devolving into new conflicts. The recent pandemic is a sign of the physical stress our body as a worldwide social unit is experiencing.

We are all now connected by the Internet, like neurons in a giant brain. Stephen Hawking