Who Were the First Humans on Earth

If you think that sentient life took 4.5 billion years to evolve on Earth, then I can almost guarantee that your progenitor was a monkey. I will present scientific proof to back what is discussed in this book for those of you who have more open minds than the average reader.

  1. The interior of the planet is not totally hollow. However, there are large caverns located inside the open areas, some of which are natural while others have been created.
  2. Although there are no extra-terrestrials among us, we are not entirely on our own. Over the course of more than 65 million years, a once-great civilization containing highly developed technology has been living hidden deep under the crust of the earth.
  3. Over the past 150 million years or more, there have been numerous advanced civilizations all with one common ancestry. Due to mutations and evolutionary changes, they would not all be cataloged as the same species. Our own ancestry follows this line.
  4. Evolution alone is not totally a natural event. After the great extinction 65 million years ago, following the will of God an advanced civilization underground has assisted with the wide variety of species we now see that exist on the surface.
  5. There is a barrier between the upper and lower crusts and the inner core of the Earth. This barrier is filled with cavernous openings, water, and even mountains.
  6. The US government invented the story of aliens. They feed the public’s desire and fear that aliens are here. The purpose is to obscure the true story that we are descendants of another advanced race of beings born and still living here on Earth.